Monday, May 26, 2014

Damon has been a busy boy in the last week.  When you are four years old, everything is new and exciting and there are so many "first times" to be negotiated.  We had our first ride outside in the outdoor arena which as you can imagine was rather energetic.  But the good news is, we finished on a great note and as four year olds go, he was a team player and tried to do the right thing.
I was in Denver over the weekend teaching a clinic so Damon's "Bonus Mom", Mary Anne was in charge.  She spent a lot of quality time with him, lunging him indoors and outdoors.  But the most exciting thing they did was to take a field trip to the race track at the back of Legacy Farm.  Damon has a personality that is as bright as the moon and he is curious about everything.  Even if he is initially afraid of something, he can't rest until he has put his nose on it. Once that happens, everything is AOK.
I can't believe how much he has improved under saddle in such a short time.  His balance is improving daily and his bearing on the rein is becoming so light and responsive.  He can already half halt off of my seat at the trot and will make transitions off of the seat. The canter is still a little more green than the trot, but it is so big, you feel like you are riding on a giant Ferris Wheel it is so round and lofty.Today after riding him indoors, Bonus Mom Mary Anne walked with us down the lane toward the racetrack with me in the irons for his first mounted mini trail ride. He was cautious on the way out but very well behaved, his confidence improved on the walk back home.  He really enjoys the stimulation of doing new things and can't wait to see what is on the agenda for tomorrow!

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