Sunday, June 8, 2014

FIRST HORSE SHOW!!!!!!!!!!  We just got home from our first horse show with Damon in Jefferson, OH.  I had someone ask me tonight "when was the last time you did something for the first time?"  That's what we did ALL weekend.  First time loading him in the trailer, first time going to a horse show, first time riding in the outdoor schooling area with 20 other horses, first time in a dressage arena, first time braiding him, first time riding a dressage test. It takes a village.  If Mary Anne wasn't handwalking him around the show grounds, I was riding him.  Now I know how new parents feel when they hope the baby will finally let them get some rest.  I only hope that he is just a little more tired than we are after the weekend but I wouldn't bet on it.
Amazing to think that 4 weeks ago he was a horse in a video that was very impressive and now he is the horse that I am riding at a horse show that is breathtaking to watch.  Even more wonderful to ride, when he is in his groove it is like sitting on a cloud that is moving on ball bearings.  We had a practice run at the USEF 4 year old test which is the equivalent to a First Level Test.  He made a great effort in spite of being tense in the arena and a little worried at the judges box.  Let's just say that the stretch circle at C was a little dicey. In fairness to him, he didn't even get to school in the arena before the test so he really had no idea why he was in there and what was going on.  Judge's comments were favorable and she gave him a 66.4% with the proviso that his score would improve dramatically when he gains confidence and gets rid of some of his tension.  Not bad for a horse that had never been off the farm until he got on the plane to come to America.
He actually loved being at the show because he is a real attention monger.  He was described as stunning, breathtaking, the whole package and just plain sexy. Finally on Sunday morning, he had to lay down and take a nap, THANKYOU, there is a GOD.  Unfortunately his ride on Sunday was in the afternoon and we had a deluge of rain and decided discretion was the better part of valor so we scratched.  So after a day of rest (we need more than he does!) we will be back at it to prepare for our first Qualifyer in Michigan next weekend.


  1. I can't tell you how happy I am that you are enjoying him so much! Can't wait to meet him!

  2. What a STAR and a VERY brave rider. Congrats!

  3. Sounds like a fab day out for all - great to get those firsts under everyones belt...onwards & upwards!
