Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Final Show of the 2014 Summer Season

Last weekend we attended our final show of the summer season in Grass Lakes, MI.  We got so lucky with the weather because earlier in the week the forcast was for rain but as the weekend progressed, we ended up with hot and humid, minus the rain.
This was a big weekend for Team Equisential.  Royal Waltz did his first Grand Prix and won his class with a 64.7%.  What a big milestone that was for him since he started training with me as a six year old and he is now eleven.  He is such a prince, he put in a great effort and produced a really clean test. He rested on his laurels the remainder of the weekend, enjoying a nice hack on the other days of the show.
Damon had a huge weekend.  He needed Thursday and Friday to settle in and he showed Training Level 2 on Saturday for a 75% and Training 3 on Sunday for a 70%.  We were able to warm up with all of the other horses and he marched right down to Ring 3 and was able to compete with confidence even though we had not had a chance to school him there.  Just as importantly, he was able to hack back up to the barn through all of the traffic and confusion without being escorted by his bonus mom, Mary Anne.  He finally relaxed enough to really show his beautiful gaits in the competition arena.What a great ending to a fun summer! We are headed back home to Florida around the beginning of October and we are looking forward to great Winter Season!


  1. Sounds like you all had a great summer! Looking forward to seeing you in October at WS. Wiebren and I will be back next week and then Rugby will return from Knoll Dressage. See you soon!
